At PSH Mortgage, we care about the safety of your personal information. Details like your social security number, your home address, and your phone number are kept safely in our loan systems so no one can access them except your dedicated loan team. Here are five mortgage security tips you can use to keep your information safe during the loan process!
- Take advantage of our secure Borrower Portal which allows sensitive files to be uploaded, rather than emailed. Don’t send PDF’s that contain your entire life’s information across the internet! Obtaining a mortgage requires the most amount of personal information than any other transaction. Keep your mortgage security in mind and don’t let your identity get compromised by taking shortcuts.
- Use complex passwords everywhere! Best practice from Microsoft recommends a minimum of 8 characters including a capital letter, a number, and a special character. Exclude using pet names, children’s names, and birth dates. These can be easily found by searching social media!
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- Enable two-factor authentication (also known as 2FA or multi-factor authentication) where it’s an option. Other services like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter also have these options.
- Final wiring instructions should ONLY come from the title company, not your loan officer. Scammers are spoofing emails that appear to be coming from loan officers with fake wiring instructions. Don’t hesitate to verify the final numbers by phone with the title company – a few minutes could save thousands of dollars!
- Think before you click! Ransomware emails are running rampant. Clicking on malicious links could infect and encrypt your entire computer. If you’re not expecting an email from the sender, delete it. Alternatively, avoid clicking the link and go directly to the sender’s website and login.
What’s important to you is important to us. We’re dedicated to making sure you and your personal information are protected and these are just a few helpful mortgage security tips to keep you safe. Learn more on our Mortgage Resources page or contact us to get in touch with one of our mortgage professionals today!
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Why Choose Park Square Home Mortgage?
Park Square Home Mortgage, LLC (“PSH Mortgage”) works directly with Park Square Homes for fast, reliable mortgage services. PSH Mortgage offers a wide array of competitive mortgage products with experience in every area of residential mortgage lending. We focus on providing our customers with industry best service and use cutting-edge technology to help you navigate through the lending process with ease.
Few things give you more pride than owning your own home – you will probably make no greater single investment in your lifetime. PSH Mortgage wants to help you make that dream come true. Contact us today and put our expertise to work for you! All information presented is for educational purposes only and not intended as financial advice.

Conforming Loan Limit Increase for 2023
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